
What a Star Wars year it's going to be. What a year it's already been! We got that famous black-and-white cast photo, mysterious leaked artwork, and a duo oftantalizing teaser trailers for Star Wars Episode VII: The Force Awakens, due to release in December. Plus, we're getting the first Star Wars game since LucasArts shut down, Star Wars Battlefront.
But after 15 years of dubious material, do we still have faith in the Force? Can new characters Finn, Rey, and Poe Dameron enthrall us like Luke, Han, and Leia did in the original trilogy? Will J.J. Abrams escape the shadow of the prequel trilogy?
Time, as always, will tell, but this period leading up to the new sequels reminds me so much of the build-up to the prequel movies back in the late '90s. There was a lot going on before The Phantom Menace came out, like the theatrical release of the Special Editions, the now-non-canon Expanded Universe books like Timothy Zahn's Thrawn Trilogy, the Rogue Squadron comics and, most importantly, an alive and well LucasArts studio producing fantastic games across consoles and PC. It was a great time to be a Star Wars fan, and it seems we're returning to a similar age…before the dark times (before the prequels).
In honor of those halcyon days and the exciting days to come, here are nine of the best Star Wars games ever made. On this list, you'll find adventures and sims that let you become ace pilots, Imperial troopers, scruffy rogues, and, of course, Jedi Knights.

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